Review electric quilt 8
Review electric quilt 8

review electric quilt 8
review electric quilt 8


The Australian Geothermal Reporting Code Committee considered EGS as ‘ a body of rock containing useful energy, the recoverability of which has been increased by artificial means such as fracturing ’ (AGRCC 2010 ).ģ. Co-produced hot water from oil and gas production is included as an unconventional EGS resource type that could be developed in the short term and possibly provide a first step to more classical EGS exploitation ’ (MIT et al. EGS would exclude high-grade hydrothermal but include conduction dominated, low permeability resources in sedimentary and basement formations, as well as geopressured, magma and low grade, unproductive hydrothermal resources. For this assessment, this definition has been adapted to include all geothermal resources that are currently not in commercial production and require stimulation or enhancement. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) led an interdisciplinary panel which defined EGS as ‘ engineered reservoirs that have been created to extract economical amounts of heat from low permeability and/or porosity geothermal resources. Below are four examples of recent EGS definitions in the public domain.ġ. Over the years, different definitions of EGS have been proposed, covering a broad variety of rock types, depth, temperature, reservoir permeability and porosity, type of stimulation technique involved, etc. Based on these criteria, the potential electrical power that could be generated might amount to 50 MWe at a net efficiency of 20%. Medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


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(1974), the most suitable rock type for HDR is granite or other crystalline basement rock temperatures should vary from 150☌ to 500☌ at depths in the order of 5 to 6 km, with an average flow rate over a 10-year reservoir lifetime of 265 l/s, with hydraulic fracturing achieving a contact surface area of ap-proximately 16 km2, an average thermal capacity of 250 MWth that could be obtained from the surface heat exchanger, and with pressurized water entering at 280☌ and Groß Schönebeck and Horstberg, Germany).Īccording to Potter et al. (2010) defined the typical geological settings for EGS, varying from ig-neous (e.g. All of the above usually imply the use of petrothermal systems (Ilyasov et al. Further nomenclature encountered in the litera-ture include stimulated geothermal system, deep heat mining (Häring and Hopkirk 2002 Häring 2007) and deep earth geothermal. The European EGS project at Soultz-sous-Forêts in France is an example of a HWR reservoir (Duchane 1998). 2011) or as hot wet rock (HWR) when it was established that the formations were not completely dry but contained some fluids. HDR was also known as hot fractured rock because of either the need to frac-ture the virtually impermeable formations or the presence of natural fracfrac-tures in the hot reservoir (Wyborn et al. The concept is described in Potter et al. The currently used term ‘ enhanced or engineered geothermal system ’ (EGS) has its roots in the early 1970s when a team from Los Alamos National Laboratories began the hot dry rock (HDR) project at Fenton Hill (Cummings and Morris 1979 Tester et al. Keywords: Enhanced geothermal system, Engineered geothermal system, Hot dry rock, Conventional EGS, EGS database worldwide Thirty five years on from the first EGS implementation, the geothermal community can benefit from the lessons learnt and take a more objective approach to the pros and cons of ‘ conventional ’ EGS systems. The projects are classified by country, reservoir type, depth, reservoir temperature, stimulation methods, associated seismicity, plant capacity and current status. This paper systematically reviews all of the EGS projects worldwide, based on the information available in the public domain. Katrin Breede*, Khatia Dzebisashvili, Xiaolei Liu and Gioia FalconeĮnhanced (or engineered) geothermal systems (EGS) have evolved from the hot dry rock concept, implemented for the first time at Fenton Hill in 1977. A systematic review of enhanced (or engineered) geothermal systems: past, present and future

Review electric quilt 8